Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Doodle's Snap.Shot Moments

Venues: The Avillion, Port Dickson, Malaysia
Port Dickson, Malaysia
Carlton Garden, Melbourne, Australia
Casting: Jared & Emmaline
Photographer: Jared

Taa'daa... Here are some of our best red & line outings pictures that we would like to share with you. We have a special passion for beaches and during our relaxation holiday at the Avillion Resort, Port Dickson, we got uber-thrilled with the many 'camera-like-angles' within the Resort as well as along the Tumasek Beach. Hence, without much hesitation, we spent half the day photo-shooting and had captured many nice photos in return. Hmm.. one must be wondering how did we manage to shoot ourselves without assistance? LOL.. Thanks to our best buddy 'the tripod'. Wherever and whenever we go for photo shots, we'll bring along our tripod.
By the way, on the same day of our photo shots, we spotted a pair of groom & bride-to-be having their wedding photo shots session within the premise too! Well, it is not a surprise anyway, 'coz Port Dickson beach is known to be one of the nice destination weddings in the country.

The last picture was taken back in Melbourne during our final-year of uni study in down under.
Oh.. what can we say about Melbourne... It's a beautiful place to be at and it's just awesome! You get to see many historical buildings, beautiful sceneries, and experience the tram rides there!

- Emmaline

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